The canvas object contains references to and records properties of the canvas associated with the MaxCanvas engine at Initialisation
Properties are automatically updated as required.
Name | Type | Description |
canvas |
Object | Reference to the canvas associated with this instance of the MaxCanvas engine.
Defined at initialisation |
width |
Number | Width of the full canvas (in pixels) |
height |
Number | Height of the full canvas (in pixels) |
midX |
Number | X coordinate of the canvas middle (in pixels) |
midY |
Number | Y coordinate of the canvas middle (in pixels) |
top |
Number | Top of the canvas after "bounds" have been applied (in pixels) |
bottom |
Number | Bottom of the canvas after "bounds" have been applied (in pixels) |
left |
Number | Left of the canvas after "bounds" have been applied (in pixels) |
right |
Number | Right of the canvas after "bounds" have been applied (in pixels) |
fullWindow |
Boolean | true if the Canvas is set to size to the window (and resize with it) |
(static) log()
Console logs the canvas properties
(static) setBounds()
Sets the, bottom, left and right properties to reflect game.bounds and canvas dimensions
CAUTION. This is intended for Engine internal use. Developers should use game.setBounds() to safely change a canvas's bounds
(static) setSize(newWidth, newHeight)
Sets the canvas element's to a new width and height
All canvas properties (including bounds) are automatically reset
Name | Type | Description |
newWidth |
Number | New canvas width (in pixels) |
newHeight |
Number | New canvas height (in pixels) |
(static) windowResize()
Handles window re-size
CAUTION. This is intended for Engine internal use and is called automatically if required.