The Line Project is a simple project demonstrating how to use the MC.draw.line() method. The simulation illustrates the “Earth – Venus” pentagon. In short, an earth year is 13/8ths of that of Venus. If you draw a line between the two bodies (over a number of years), the following pattern emerges.
This Project utilises:
- ConBoxes and GUI for start/restart, set speed and pause
- A novel use of a pair Sprites as “calculators” for the point ends (they are not rendered)
- MC.draw.line() to draw a large series of white, 90% transparent lines.
// MaxCanvas Project // 07-Lines.JS File (April 2019) // // Required to drag MC.js into Intellisense // thanks to (Dec 2018) /// <reference path="MC.js" /> window.onload = (function() { // AQUIRE HTML DOM CANVAS REFERENCE var c=document.getElementById("canvas"); ////////////////////////// // INITIALISE MC Engine // ////////////////////////// MC.init(c); // Configure .game = 1; // Will Speed up the simulation .. this many lines added per frame MC.canvas.setSize(600,400) /////////////////////////// // END OF Initialisation // /////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////// // VARIABLE DECLARATION // ////////////////////////// // GUI Creation var GUI = new MC.GUI(); // Start / Restart ConBox - calls "Start()" var Restart = new MC.ConBox({ width: 150, height: 40, text: "Restart", onClick: function () { start(); } }); // Pause ConBox - toggles var Pause = new MC.ConBox({ width: 150, height: 40, text: "Pause", onClick: function () { = !; if ( { Pause.text = "Unpause" ;} else {Pause.text = "Pause";} } }); // Speed ConBox - cycles MC.physicsUpdates & calls "Start()" var Speed = new MC.ConBox({ width: 150, height: 40, text: "Speed " +, onClick: function () { var spd = 0; switch ( { case 1: spd = 5; break; case 5: spd = 10; break; case 10: spd = 15; break; case 15: spd = 20; break; case 20: spd = 1; break; default: spd = 5; } = spd; Speed.text = "Speed "+spd; start(); } }); GUI.push(Restart,Pause,Speed); MC.mouse.onClickL = function () {; }; // Restart function var start = function () { Lines = []; Ends.bin[0].angle = Ends.bin[1].angle = 0; }; var color = new MC.Color(255,255,255,0.1); var Lines = []; var Ends = new MC.SpriteBin(); // Going to utilise the Sprite Class // Using update function to emulate a body orbiting the graphic centre, with the angle and angleVel tracking an orbital radius angle // Don't have to render them either var end1 = new MC.Sprite({type: "circ", angleVel: 360/13 * 100, size2: 120 }); = function () { var rad = new MC.Point(0,end1.size2); rad.rotate(end1.angle); rad.add(MC.canvas.midX+100, MC.canvas.midY); end1.moveTo(rad); }; var end2 = end1.clone(); end2.setValues ({angleVel: 360/8 * 100, size2: 180}); = function () { var rad = new MC.Point(0,end2.size2); rad.rotate(end2.angle); rad.add(MC.canvas.midX+100, MC.canvas.midY); end2.moveTo(rad); }; Ends.push(end1, end2); ////////////////////////// // END OF declarations // ////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////// // GAME LOOP // ////////////////////////// // first call, request subsequently made within gameLoop(); function gameLoop() { // ESSENTIAL MAINTAINANCE requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);; // PHYSICS UPDATE LOOP for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { Ends.update(); // Populate the Lines array with the position of the 2 Sprites if (Lines.length < 5000 && ! Lines.push(Ends.bin[0].pos.clone(),Ends.bin[1].pos.clone()); } // NON-PHYSICS UPDATES GUI.update(); // RENDER // Stage 1. Clear the canvas MC.draw.clearCanvas("Black"); // Stage 2. Render Sprites // Draw the lines for (var i = 0; i < Lines.length; i = i+2) { MC.draw.line(Lines[i],Lines[i+1],color,1); } // Stage 3. Render GUI GUI.render(0,0); } }); // EoF