Escapa is a classic reaction game, and uses most functions of the MC engine.
// MC Library // Escapa Example // 03 Jan 2019 window.onload = (function() { // AQUIRE HTML DOM CANVAS REFERENCE // HTML has to have a HTML5 canvas element tagged as "canvas" var c=document.getElementById("canvas"); ////////////////////////// // INITIALISE MC Engine // ////////////////////////// // CHOOSE 1 // // CHOICE 1: Canvas Size fixed by HTML MC.init(c); // CHOICE 2: Full Window Option (Canvas will be resized to fit window) //MC.init(c,"fullWindow"); /////////////////////////// // END OF Initialisation // /////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////// // VARIABLE DECLARATION // ////////////////////////// // screenset up .. 900x700 canvas ... 500x500 central game bounds MC.canvas.setSize(900,700);,6/7,2/9,7/9); // Game state tracker var Screen = 0; // 0 = Start (awaiting click to start). 1 = Game Running. 2 = Finished awaiting restart // required variables var time = 0; var oldTime = 0; var bestTime = 0; var velocities = [200,250,300,350,400,450]; var offset = new MC.Point(); var instructions1 = "Welcome to Escapa. Click and drag the red square to start"; var instructions2 = "Dodge the black walls and blue blocks as long as you can"; var instructions3 = "Click anywhere to reset"; // Typefaces to be used var typeWhite = new MC.Typeface("Trebuchet MS",20,"White"); var typeBlack = new MC.Typeface("Trebuchet MS",26,"Black"); // "Reset Button" var button = new MC.ConBox(); button.setValues({ width: 120, height: 32, text: "Reset Record", pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.right - 60, - 29), onClick: function () {bestTime = 0;}, colorBody: new MC.Color(0,0,0,0) }); //SpriteBins var walls = new MC.SpriteBin(); var blocks = new MC.SpriteBin(); // Sprite Generation (do one, clone and customise, clone and customise etc .. then push to SpriteBin) ///// // Walls //// var twall = new MC.Sprite({type: "rect", size1: 500, size2: 50, fillColor: "Black", edgeColor: null, edgeWidth: 0, mobile: false, pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.midX, + 25) }); var bwall = twall.clone(); bwall.setValues({ pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.midX,MC.canvas.bottom - 25) }); var lwall = twall.clone(); lwall.setValues({ size1: 50, size2: 500, pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.left + 25,MC.canvas.midY) }); var rwall = lwall.clone(); rwall.setValues({ pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.right - 25,MC.canvas.midY) }); walls.push(twall,bwall,lwall,rwall); ///// // Blocks //// var block1 = new MC.Sprite({type: "rect", size1: 70, size2: 70, fillColor: "DarkBlue", edgeColor: null, edgeBounce: true, }); var block2 = block1.clone(); block2.setValues({ size2: 50}); var block3 = block1.clone(); block3.setValues({ size1: 35 }); var block4 = block1.clone(); block4.setValues ({ size1: 120, size2: 20, }); blocks.push(block1,block2,block3,block4); ///// // Player //// var player = new MC.Sprite({ type: "rect", size1: 40, size2: 40, fillColor: "DarkRed", edgeColor: null }); // Game Reset Call .. this one to "initialise" the game reset(); /////////////////// // GAME FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ////////////////// // Customise the Engine mouse Event Listener MC.mouse.onClickL = function () { // did we click the button? button.checkClick(); // game starts if (Screen == 0 && player.hit( { offset = player.pos.clone().minus(; Screen = 1; = false; time = 0; } // game over awaiting reset if (Screen == 2) { reset(); } }; // Reset (positions and velocities to start, variables as required) function reset() { // Blocks back to start positions block1.setValues({ vel: new MC.Point(40,35), pos: new MC.Point (MC.canvas.left + 110, + 110) }); block2.setValues({ pos: new MC.Point (MC.canvas.right - 160, + 90), vel: new MC.Point(-35,40) }); block3.setValues({ pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.left + 90, MC.canvas.bottom - 110), vel: new MC.Point(35,-40) }); block4.setValues({ pos: new MC.Point(MC.canvas.right - 110, MC.canvas.bottom - 110), vel: new MC.Point(-40,-35) }); // Blocks back to start Velocity setVelocities(velocities[0]); // Player back to middle player.moveTo(new MC.Point(MC.canvas.midX,MC.canvas.midY)); // Paused game - Deltatime not refreshed = true; Screen = 0; time = 0; oldTime = 0; } // gameOver function gameOver() { Screen = 2; = true; } // Called in GameLoop() .. changes block velocity on 5 second increments function checkForSpeedChange() { var v = 0; var change = false; if (time >= 5 && oldTime < 5) { v = velocities[1]; change = true; } else if (time >= 10 && oldTime < 10) { v = velocities[2]; change = true; } else if (time >= 15 && oldTime < 15) { v = velocities[3]; change = true; } else if (time >= 20 && oldTime < 20) { v = velocities[4]; change = true; } else if (time >= 25 && oldTime < 25) { v = velocities[5]; change = true; } if (change) { setVelocities(v); } } // called by above and Reset ... sets the actual block velocities function setVelocities (value) { block1.vel.setLength(value); block2.vel.setLength(value); block3.vel.setLength(value); block4.vel.setLength(value); } ////////////////////////// // END OF declarations // ////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////// // GAME LOOP // ////////////////////////// // first call, request subsequently made within gameLoop(); function gameLoop() { requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop); // Essential to update to ensure is available; // physicsUpdate Loop for (var z = 0; z <; z++) { blocks.update(); if (Screen == 1) { player.moveTo(; if (player.hit(walls) || player.hit(blocks) ) { gameOver(); } oldTime = time; time +=; checkForSpeedChange(); bestTime = MC.maths.maxOf(time,bestTime); } } // Once only per frame button/GUI update button.update(); // Add Render / Draw Code here MC.draw.clearCanvas("Olive"); // All canvas to "Olive" MC.draw.clearInBounds("Ivory"); // Game in-bounds set to "Ivory" // SpriteBins, Sprites and Button Renders walls.render(); blocks.render(); player.render(); button.render(); // Text Banners var t = time.toFixed(2); var t2 = bestTime.toFixed(2); MC.draw.text("Time: "+t, new MC.Point(MC.canvas.left + 3, MC.canvas.bottom - 3),typeWhite); MC.draw.text("Session record: "+t2+" secs", new MC.Point(MC.canvas.left + 3, 85),typeBlack); if (Screen == 0) { MC.draw.text(instructions1,new MC.Point(100,635),typeBlack); MC.draw.text(instructions2,new MC.Point(100,665),typeBlack); } if (Screen == 2) { MC.draw.text(instructions3,new MC.Point(100,650),typeBlack); } } }); // EoF