This is the home of “MaxCanvas” (aka MC). MC is a lightweight Javascript Game Engine. It utilises the HTML5 canvas element, and provides a set of objects and methods which are easy to use and intended for the novice programmer. To make an MC project, the developer only needs:
- A simple HTML file, holding the canvas element
- The MC.js file, with the game engine
- A user written JavaScript file
That’s it! Any text editor will do and the developer does not even need to be connected to the internet, as browsers can access and run the files locally.
Who am I?
My name is Max Bryans, this is my Final Year Project for a BSc. (Hons) degree in Games Programming from Kingston University. So as well as publishing the MC project, this site also acts as my Portfolio and place to showcase materials. Be they old University projects, or side-projects.
I also tend to keep links to things I find interesting.
Please have a look around.
Max (Feb 2019)